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Snow White (58001) Mountboard Sheets
All Whitecore boards meet the Fine Art Trade Guild Standard level (Level 3).
High-quality alpha cellulose using pH sizing and lignin-free.
Blue wool scale (BWS) minimum rating 3+
Individual BWS ratings are marked on the reverse side of every sheet.
Buffered with calcium carbonate.
The water-soluble extracts are minimal i.e. chloride below 0.05%, sulphate below 0.25%. For extra defence it contains a buffer of calcium carbonate to guard against contamination by air-borne acid for the life of the board.
Passes the Silver Tarnish Test and Photographic Activity Test.
Aqeous PVA adhesive with neutral pH.
Accelerated ageing test: TAPPI T.509 SU68
Unaged – pH8.9
100 years – pH8.9
200 years – pH8.9
300 years – pH8.9
Board thickness
2.4 mm
Sheet width
1120 mm
Sheet height
815 mm
Sheet price
£ 11.60
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